
English Articles:

5. Lei, Zhenhuan. 2024. “The Fiscal Logic of Political Responsiveness: Public Finance, Elections, and Public Goods Provision in Rural China.” Studies in Comparative International Development, 59: 1-26.
[published version | unpublished version]

4. Lei, Zhenhuan. 2023. “The Political Resource Blessing or Curse? Patronage Networks, Infrastructure Investment, and Economic Development in China.” Comparative Political Studies, 56(8): 1156–1188.
[published version | unpublished version | replication data]

3. Li, Yishuang, and Zhenhuan Lei. 2023. “Political Alignment and the Allocation of Stock Market Resources in China.” Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, 4(1): 51–80.
[published version | unpublished version | replication data]

2. Lei, Zhenhuan, and Junlong Aaron Zhou. 2022. “Private Returns to Public Investment: Political Career Incentives and Infrastructure Investment in China.” The Journal of Politics, 84(1): 455-469.
[published version | unpublished version | replication data]

1. Lei, Zhenhuan, and Jeff Nugent. 2018. “Coordinating China’s Economic Growth Strategy via Its Government-Controlled Association for Private Firms.” (2018) Journal of Comparative Economics, 46: 1273-1293.
[published version | unpublished version]

Chinese Article (中文论文):

1. 席天扬、雷镇环、刘诗尧、李怡爽、刘珍岑、赵家琪(2024)“国家治理指数和发展中国家现代化——基于历史沿革、理论逻辑和构建方法的考察,”《国家现代化建设研究》,2024年第1期。
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Working Paper(s):

"Turning the Blade Inward: Deregulation to Discipline the Bureaucracy," with Lizhi Liu (Georgetown). 
-- Presentation: American Political Science Association (Chinese Politics Mini-Conference 2023), Stanford University (2023)

"Making Decentralization Work: The Party-State System and China’s Economic Reforms and Development."
-- Presentation: Peking University (School of Government 2022), University of Hong Kong (2023), China Economic Association (2023), Fudan University (School of Economics 2023), CCER Summer Institute (2023), and American Political Science Association (2023)

Making Local Courts Work: The Judicial Recentralization Reform and Local Protectionism in China,” with Yishuang Li (PKU).
-- Status: Conditionally accepted at
the Journal of Politics.
-- Draft: [SSRN | this site] (version: August 14, 2023)
Presentation: Midwest Political Science Association (2021), American Political Science Association (Chinese Politics Mini-Conference 2021), Tsinghua University's Department of Political Science (2021), and Peking University (School of Government 2021 and National School of Development (2023)